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Top main diffrences between Regular Insulin and Humalog


Did you know that diabetes, if left untreated? This can lead to vision problems, delayed wound 

healing, or amputation? But, if you receive the right and consistent treatment, you can live a 

normal life while living with the disease. , there are now many medications to treat diabetes. So 

you are sure to find something that suits your needs. In this article, we will compare and contrast 

different insulin. And how Humalog differs from regular insulin. Let's go inside!

Did you know that diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to vision problems? Delayed wound 

healing, or amputation? 

But, if you receive the right and consistent treatment. You can live a normal life while living with 

the disease. , there are now many medications to treat diabetes. So you are sure to find something 

that suits your needs.

What is insulin and how does it relate to blood sugar levels?

When prescribing insulin, it is important to distinguish. Between insulin produced by the human 

body and drugs used to treat diabetes. Go through the information below to understand the 

difference between them. Human insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas in the human 

body and has the amino acid sequence B 28 and B 29. Its main role is to help your body convert 

glucose into energy.

 Here's how it works:

 Shortly after you eat, your body begins to absorb glucose into your bloodstream and convert it 

into energy. Making insulin the main "helper" in this "transformation". Insulin medications are 

insulin analogs made using recombinant DNA technology. That can be injected into your body if 

human insulin doesn't work in your body. So, it is a synthetic preparation to control blood 

glucose in patients suffering from diabetes.

What are the main types of insulin?

There are many types of insulin available today. Let's look at the basics below.

Depending on the duration of action, insulin is divided into:

Move fast (or, as they often say, move fast);

Short-acting (or continuous);

Intermediate movement;

To go far;

Dissolving insulin.

Although each type of insulin mentioned above has advantages, disadvantages, and side effects. 

The main difference between them is the time of absorption and the effect of insulin. For 

example: Fast-acting insulin is divided into insulin apart (such as Flaps), insulin lisper (such as 

Humalog), and insulin glulisine (such as Apia). Begins to work in twenty minutes and lasts up to 

five hours after injection; Short-acting agents (such as Act rapid or Hamelin R) take thirty 

minutes to start acting and last up to eight hours; Intermediate-acting insulin (such as Hamelin 

and Protaphane) begins to work in ninety minutes. And can last up to twenty-four hours after 

injection; Long-acting forms of insulin such as insulin glaring (Lantus or Toupee) and insulin 

deter (Levier) are given twenty-four hours after the injection; Combination insulin consists of a 

combination of different types of insulin. (usually mixed insulin with fast or medium-acting 

insulin) and the duration can be different. So, all types of insulin regulate blood sugar levels in 

your body, but they do so in different ways.

What is the difference between rapid insulin and regular insulin?

When we compare fast and regular forms of insulin, we can find the following similarities:

Rapid-acting insulin (lisper) and regular insulin analogs include protamine suspension, which is 

used to treat type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes by regulating glucose levels;

Rapid and continuous insulin products can cause similar effects, such as low blood sugar 

(hypoglycemia) or flushing; Both drugs are available in different doses and forms of insulin 

(bottle, pump, or pen device).

Here are some key points about the difference between insulin lisper and regular insulin:

Fast-acting types of insulin (including Humalog lisper insulin) start working faster and take 

longer than regular types of insulin, which start working and reach insulin levels more.

 In general, Humalog and regular insulin are effective medications for the treatment of diabetes. 

The main difference between them is the duration, and only a doctor can determine which one 

suits your needs. So, check with your healthcare provider first and only buy Humalog insulin 

online or visit your local pharmacist for other insulin-based medications.


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