PILES Hemorrhoids, also called hemorrhoids, are swollen veins around the lower rectum or anus. About 50% of adults by the age of 50 have a hemorrhoid problem, according to a Health line survey. Hemorrhoids are usually divided into external and internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are more painful and annoying. When an inner lump develops in the rectum or anus, an outer lump develops outside the rectum or anus. The outer pile can cause intense itching and discomfort while sitting. Luckily, both are treatable. . . The pole is painful and very uncomfortable, but not life- threatening. It is often treated alone. But, in severe cases, medical intervention is required . If you have dark stools or blood stains in your anal area, it is recommended that you see a doctor. Bleeding can be caused by causes other than hemorrhoids and should be investigated . Many of the possible causes of hemorrhoids are: Chronic constipation and its complications Straining during bowel movements S...
Health based organization are those companies which gives us medical facilities. The main services of this organization are to make medical services more affordable and accessible.
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