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Top 5 Steps for introduction of Nootropics

Introduction to Nootropics  For those hearing about nootropics for the first time, it is a difficult term to define, let alone  understand what it means. We have put together a simple review and guide to introduce users to  the concept of nootropics and how they can be used in everyday life. This article will discuss the  definition of Nootropics, the risks involved, the concept of "stacking" nootropics, and the best  way to take them. What are nootropics? Nootropics are drug compounds used to improve cognitive performance and were first  discovered  in the 1960s. There is extensive research behind many nootropics that show they  improve many important areas of learning. The spectrum of nootropics is wide, so we will only  include those that have the most research behind them and have shown significant improvements  in cognitive performance. Along with the improvement of healthy people, extensive research has  been done with nootropics used to relieve the symptoms of brain di