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Top 8 Yoga Poses For Gas To Reduce Bloating

 One of the most common problems that appear after the age of 40 is gas or gastrointestinal 

problems. Stomach upset can be caused by many factors, including problems with digestion or 

an empty stomach. A stomach problem, often known as gastritis, is an inflammation or irritation 

of the stomach lining. Stress, tension, and anxiety are also major causes of various 

gastrointestinal problems. Another simple but significant factor is the practice of chewing food. If 

this problem is not addressed at the primary stage, it will lead to other health complications.

Can Yoga Heal GasApanasana (Knee-to-Chest Pose) Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Releasing Pose) 

Child's Pose (Balasana) Bridge Pose (Setubandasana) Seated Forward Bend 

(Paschimottanasana) Happy Child's Pose (Anand Balasan) Bi-knee Point Release Spine Asked 

Questions (FAQs) Can Yoga Cure Stomach problems that are a common part of our daily life. Certain

foods and activities can create excess gas in our body bodies, resulting in bloating and stomach 

pain. Stomach pain can be uncomfortable and distressing. But, there are many yoga poses for gas 

and bloating problems that you can practice in your daily life and get relief. In a world where we 

depend on medicine to solve our problems, you might be wondering, can yoga cure gas? The 

answer is yes, yoga can cure gas and also help pass gas. You'll never feel uncomfortable with gas 

again with the right diet and a little exercise. But, remember that passing gas is completely 

normal, and holding it back or not letting it pass can cause other health problems. Below are the 

yogas that can help you in solving your bloating and stomach problems. Also, read – Do you often 

feel bloated? Here are 5 foods to avoid

Apanasana (Knee-To-Chest Pose) Image: Shutterstock

Apanasana is a supine asana usually practiced toward the end of a yoga sequence.

Start lying on your back

Extend your legs and place your hands beside you

Now bend your knees and bring them to your chest

Hug your knees

Try to keep your back and shoulders firm and flat against the mat

Rock a little from side to side

Return to the original position


Pro tip: Apanasana is sometimes referred to as the power elimination pose.

Pawanmuktasana (Wind Release Pose) Image: Shutterstock

A powerful posture is practiced at the beginning of an asana practice that benefits the entire 

digestive system.

Start lying on your back

Extend your legs and place your hands beside you

Now bend your knees and bring them to your chest

Hug your knees

Raise your nose to your knees

Try touching your knee with your nose

Hold the position for a few seconds

Return to the original position


Pro Tip: In the pose, relax your body and breathe.

Child’s Pose (Balasana) Image: Shutterstock Child’s Pose stretches the back, hips, thighs, and 

ankles. It can help with back pain relief.

Begin by sitting back on your heels

get on all fours. Arms and legs are parallel but not too far apart.


As you exhale,  come back to rest your hips on your heels

Lower your forehead to the ground

Either place your hands on the floor in front of you. Or align them with your body backward 

with your palms up

Relax your muscles and breathe

Pro tip: Use a yoga blanket or towel under your knees for extra padding and support.

Bridge Pose (Setubandasana) Image: Shutterstock This classic backbend can be done or —as a 

strengthening or resting pose.

Begin by lying on your back

Bend your knees and put your feet apart

Place your hands on the floor toward your feet

Take a deep breath and lift your hips off the ground to make an arch.

Relax your muscles and stay in the position for a few seconds

Bend your knees down


Pro tip: The pose stretches the abdomen, chest, and shoulders while strengthening the back muscles, ankles, and thighs.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) Image: Shutterstock

It stretches the entire back of the body, from the calves to the hamstrings (back of the thighs) to 

the spine.

Sit on the mat and stretch your legs straight

Point your toes toward each other


Exhale and lean forward

Bend as far as your body will go and hold your feet to stay in place.

You can try to hold your toes and pull yourself forward

Hold the position for a few seconds

Return to your original position


Pro tip: This pose is said to help ease tension and even improve mood. Happy Child Pose (Anand Balasan) Image: Shutterstock

Ananda Balasana is a good pose for grounding and modern practice. It is usually done at the end 

of a yoga asana. It soothes the lower back, strengthens the legs, lengthens and realigns the spine 

and, when performed, opens the hips.

Begin by lying on your back

Exhale and bend your knees toward you

Inhale and extend your arms until you reach your toes

Hold your toes and pull them towards you

Spread your knees wider than your torso

Hold the position for a few seconds

Return to the original position and repeat.

Pro tip: Beginners can also practice this pose.

Two-Knee Spinal Twist Pose Image: Shutterstock

It is also known as Jathara parivartanasana. This empowering pose promotes mobility and 

movement across the spine and the entire back improves digestion and increases self-esteem and 


Begin by lying on your back and stretching your legs out in front of you.

Extend your arms and bring them in line with your shoulders until you are in a T position.

Bend your right knee and pull it over your left thigh. That should send a shiver down your spine.

Now to the opposite side

Hold the position for a few seconds

Return to the original position

Repeat with the opposite leg.

Pro tip: The above yoga poses are some of the most effective yoga poses for gas and bloating. 

They are also easy. Practice them for best results.

More Tips to Release Gas Image: Shutterstock

Here are general tips that you can follow to get gas out of your digestive system without any 


Walking or jogging always helps to release gas

If the stomach ache bothers you too much, you can try massaging the area

Jeera water, nimbu paani, Hing, and herbs can help you overcome this problem

Carbonated drinks encourage burping

Being careful about what you eat and when you eat it can help prevent stomach problems.

Also Read – 10 Health Benefits Of Jeera Water For Your Daily Life  Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: 

What exercise helps in relieving gas? Answer: You can find much many yoga poses to release gas and 

find relief from bloating. Many of them are listed above. Walking and jogging after meals often 

helps help with digestion and better stomach health. Q: How can I cure gas ? A. Having gas and 

passing it is a natural bodily process. Gas is normal 20-23 times a day. This happens because 

even normal activities like laughing or drinking can trap gas in your body. Even if you often feel 

gassy or bloated, you can practice yoga poses to relieve gas. Home remedies like Jeera and Hing 

also, helps a lot. Q: Why do I fart at night? Answer: Sleeping too soon after dinner slows the 

digestive process, creating gas. The body gets rid of this excess gas through flatulence. Another 

reason for night farts may be that the muscles in your anus relax while you sleep. This causes gas 

to pass at night. Question: Why is a person so gassy? Answer: The most common cause of 

flatulence is the consumption of certain types of food. Foods high in fiber tend to produce gas. 

Flatulence is also caused by a slow metabolism or a lazy intestine. Slow digestion results in a 

buildup of gas-producing bacteria. When you drink water, you also swallow air, which is why you 

burp right after. You also swallow air when you laugh and do similar activities.

Also Read: 6 Simple Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure And How To Do Them At Home


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