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10 Major Effects of Vitamin Deficiency


Vitamins are very important micronutrients that our body needs for daily activities. Each 

vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. We usually get vitamins from the 

food we eat. A deficiency of one of these essential vitamins can cause several problems in our 

bodies. Such as breathing and memory loss. Vitamins are a type of micronutrient that the body 

needs. There are 13 vitamins, each of which is important for the body's daily functioning. Lack 

of this essential vitamin can cause serious problems in the body. Vitamin deficiency in the body is 

defined as vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiency is a health problem that affects millions of 

people today. You can develop vitamin deficiencies due to vitamin deficiencies and certain 

medical conditions. The consequences of vitamin deficiency in the body can be very dangerous.

10 Major Effects of Vitamin Deficiency:

Shortness of breath: 

Vitamin B12 deficiency reduces the body's production of red blood cells. This makes it difficult 

for oxygen to flow through the body.  Which leads to shortness of breath during routine activities.

Numbness in fingers and toes: 

Vitamin deficiency affects the nervous system. Especially the nerve endings, which cause 

numbness in fingers and toes.

Swelling of hands and feet: 

Vitamin B12 helps to protect the nervous system of our body, and lack of this vitamin. It can 

reduce the function of nerves in the body. Thus, you may experience numbness or tingling in the 

hands and feet.

Vision problems:

 Vitamin A is essential for maintaining light-sensitive eye cells. Lack of this vitamin can lead to 

long-term vision problems and even blindness.

Memory loss: 

Vitamin D and B12 deficiency affect the brain's ability to store memories. Which can lead to 

memory loss and even Alzheimer's disease.

Bleeding Gums: 

Gum retention is a common problem caused by rough brushing techniques. But, a lack of 

vitamin C can cause the gums to bleed. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause tooth loss in severe 


Mouth ulcers: 

Studies have found that mouth ulcers are the result of vitamin B and iron deficiency in the body.

Nails and Hair: 

There are several reasons for brittle nails and hair, and one of them is a lack of vitamin B7, also 

known as biotin. Biotin helps strengthen hair and nails.

Hair loss:

 Hair loss or hair loss is one of the common symptoms of vitamin deficiency. Niacin and biotin 

are essential for hair growth and strength.

Wound healing:

 Some vitamins help in wound healing. Low levels of vitamins A, B, C, and D can cause slow 

wound healing.

What is the cause of vitamin deficiency?

Dietary supplements: 

Since our body does not produce natural vitamins, we get them from daily food. Our diet should 

consist of foods enriched with several vitamins. Vegetarians can develop vitamin B12 and biotin 

deficiencies. Because meat is rich in these vitamins.

Lack of sunlight: 

Vitamin D is essential to keep our teeth, bones, and muscles strong. You can get vitamin D from a 

variety of foods, including eggs, seafood, and dairy products. But, sunlight is one of the main 

sources of vitamin D.  Lack of exposure to sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency. tooth loss, 

low bone density, and osteoporosis.

Medical conditions: 

Some medical conditions can affect your body's ability to metabolize essential vitamins. This can 

lead to vitamin D deficiency in the long term. Chronic liver disease, kidney disease, diarrhea, 

inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn's disease and gastric bypass can affect your body's ability to 

absorb vitamins.


Many studies have found that heavy smokers have higher levels of vitamin D deficiency.

Alcohol abuse: 

Consuming too much alcohol can damage your digestive system. A damaged digestive system can 

affect the body's ability to synthesize vitamin B12.

Certain medications:

 Some medications, such as cholesterol-lowering medications and steroids, can limit your body's 


Pernicious Anemia: 

Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease affecting the intestines. It also causes poor 

absorption of vitamin 12. Resulting in a lack of production of healthy red blood cells.

Here are five common causes of vitamin deficiency. But, if you have symptoms of vitamin 

deficiency, see your general health care.  Untreated vitamin deficiencies can have long-term 

adverse effects on your organs. A diagnosis of vitamin deficiency is usually not made


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