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How to save your children from gastrointestinal cancer ?


300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year. 3-4% of cancer cases worldwide. 

According to Indian statistics, doctors diagnose cancer in 40,000-50,000 children every year. 

Although 70-90% of childhood cancers are curable, an estimated 70% of children in India die 


1. Lack of awareness

2. Late detection and diagnosis

3. Inability to access medical facilities

4. High treatment costs

5. Lack of supportive care.

What types of gastrointestinal cancer do children develop?

The most common childhood cancers are leukemia, brain, and spinal cord tumors, 

neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, bone cancer, Wilma tumor, lymphoma, and others. When it 

comes to gastrointestinal diseases, gastroenterologists often see hepatoblastoma and 

pancreatoblastoma in children.

1. Hepatoblastoma: liver disease in the young

Hepatoblastoma is a type of liver cancer that occurs in infants, toddlers, and children. This is a 

rare form of cancer that usually affects children aged 3-4 years. GI surgeons have found that 

hepatoblastoma does not usually spread to other parts of the body. Although the exact cause of 

the disease is unknown, experts point to genetics. Beckwith-Tiedemann syndrome, familial 

adenomatous polyposis, glycogen storage disorders, and Bacardi syndrome increase the risk of 

hepatoblastoma in children. If a baby is born with a low birth weight, this can affect the risk of 

developing the disease.

Are there any symptoms of hepatoblastoma?

Symptoms of hepatoblastoma vary depending on the size of the tumor. But, you should look for 

the following symptoms:

A. Abdominal pain/bloating

b. Enlargement of the veins in the abdominal cavity

c. Abdominal pain

d. He had trouble eating and lost his appetite

e. Fatigue and unexplained loss

f. Confusion and vomiting

g. Don't have a fever

Yes Jaundice

I. skin irritation

If you experience symptoms of hepatoblastoma, contact your surgical gastroenterologist 

immediately. Doctors can diagnose the disease after a physical exam, blood tests, ultrasound, 

tumor biopsy, CT scan, and MRI scan. To treat hepatoblastoma, a patient needs liver resection 

surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Regular follow-up after treatment is important.

2. Pyncreato blastoma: 

A malignancy of the pancreas in children

Pancreatic cancer is different in children than in adults. Besides, the younger population has 

better clinical results. Surgical gastroenterologists, oncologists, and other healthcare 

professionals see pancreatoblastoma almost only in children (age range: up to 9 years).

Pancreatoblastoma is the most common type of pancreatic cancer in children. It accounts for less 

than 0.2% of cancer-related deaths in children. Early detection and early medical treatment can 

help children fight the disease.

What are the symptoms of pancreatoblastoma?

Although the disease may be asymptomatic, the child's parents and primary caregivers should 

look for the following symptoms:

1. Abdominal pain and bloating

2. Fatigue and exhaustion

3. Anorexia and wasting

4. Diarrhea

5. Nausea and vomiting

Male children are affected by pancreatoblastoma, especially in the Asian population. Doctors 

believe that congenital cases of this disease are related to Beckwith-Tiedemann syndrome.

To diagnose pyrechoblastoma, a surgical gastroenterologist will recommend tests: sonography, 

CT scan, MRI scan, etc. After a successful diagnosis, young patients may need surgical 

pancreatic resection to remove the tumor.

Care, treatment, and support are essential

Childhood cancer can affect young patients. Along with immediate medical care, emotional 

support from a counselor or support group is needed to help children and family members.


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